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Wind Chime Tubes Wholesale

Wind chime tubes wholesale for craft and hobby retailers.

Wind chime tubes are arguably the most integral part to a wind chime itself.

The Tubes are the lengths of metal, wood or plastic that hit against one another to create the melodious sound they are known for.

The tubes are crafted with a couple of things in mind, most notably their weight and density.

These are what affect its ability to be caught by the wind and the sound each will make when they make contact with another.

We provide wind chime tubes wholesale and we understand its important for some hobbyist to custom build their own garden and indoor furniture.

While we also sell kits and projects, we know that limiting the arts and crafts world is often fruitless.

We want retailers to be able to offer a wide selection when it comes to wind chime supplies.


What materials are the wind chime tubes made from?

Wind Chime Tubes can be made from any number of different materials.

Most commonly they are made from metal, wood or plastic.

The manufacturers we work with aim to offer as many different options as they can.

If there is another material not mentioned that you feel your customers might want get in touch with our team.

As your supplier we will liaise with manufacturers and make sure you get exactly the right wind chime tubes wholesale.

Which wind chime tubes are most popular?

Popularity of items is always subject to change as trends come and go.

In terms of crafting items many basics don’t go in and out of style as easily.

Most projects on offer are more usually subject to interest and time of the year.

Some projects and kits are more engaging outdoors during the summer and some are better suited for colder, winter months spent indoors.

If you’re concerned about being stuck on what to buy for the clientele you have, we at Panda Crafty are happy to help you navigate between popularity and what makes sense for your buyers.